If you wish to cancel your membership, you may visit us in person at the Center or fill out the cancelation form below.
Your membership will be terminated in good standing once all membership fees are paid in full. Unpaid balances and fees will remain on your account even after cancellation of your membership privileges.
Please note: Pursuant to Section 4. Processing Policy in the Membership Agreement Terms and Conditions, all cancelations are effective on the last day of the month. Any notice, request, or submission received by the Wellness Center on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the month will become effective on the last day of that month. Any notice, request, or submission received after the twentieth (20th) day of the month will become effective on the last day of the following month.
Unless otherwise stated in this Membership Contract, Section 4 applies to all sections of the Membership Agreement and in all respects to my membership at the Wellness Center. In addition, if you decide to rejoin the Wellness Center at any time, I am aware that I will be responsible for an enrollment fee. Enrollment fee discounts are always subject to change and can increase in price.