General membership questions and/or membership freeze and status update questions can be directed to the Member Service team by contacting the front desk at 309-433-WELL (9355) or submitting the form found here.
Memberships dues are drafted on the 2nd day of each month. This date cannot be changed.
Monthly dues are paid using an automatic EFT from a checking or Credit Card account. A 12-month, Paid in Full is available.
Enrollment and upgrade fees are subject to change without notice.
Cancellation/Processing policy: Cancellations of a membership or a particular member on your account can be submitted in person at the member service desk or through our online cancellation form. Any signed notice, request, or submission received by the Center on or before the 20th day of the month will become effective on the last day of that month. Any signed notice, request, or submission received by the Center after the 20th day of the month will become effective on the last day of the following month.
• Cancellations submitted the 1st through the 20th of the month will be cancelled that same month.
• Cancellations submitted the 21st through the end of the month will be billed for another month.
If a cancelled member chooses to return to the Center within one month of cancellation, their enrollment fee will be waived.
A request to downgrade or upgrade a membership can be completed at any time at our member service desk. Additional fees will apply for an upgrade to membership.
Each member will be asked to complete a Health History Questionnaires at the time of enrollment. Based on your risk stratification, physician clearance may be necessary prior to use of the facility or designing your individualized exercise prescription. Carle Health & Fitness Center will obtain physician clearance with the member’s approval.
Replacement key tags are available at the front desk. The first replacement key tag will be at no charge. The second replacement tag is $5.00. Replacement Wellness Keys are available at the front desk. The replacement fee is $20.00. Key tags and barcodes are member specific and cannot be shared with others. Sharing key tags or barcodes with non-members could result in membership suspension or termination.
All guests will be required to present a guest pass to the Member Service team or pay the appropriate guest fee. Daily and weekly guest passes are available for purchase. Single Day trial passes are offered to McLean County residents as a one-time offer. A valid photo ID and completion of a liability waiver are required for all guests. Individuals 17 years or younger will require their parent or legal guardian to complete paperwork prior to facility use or program participation.
Use of tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, is strictly prohibited anywhere on the property of the Carle Health & Fitness Center and Training and Performance Center.
Guns and weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited anywhere on the property of the Carle Health & Fitness Center and Training and Performance Center.
Aggressive, unwelcome, and disrespectful behavior, as well as the use of profanity in any conversation is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Membership privileges may be suspended or revoked. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and the decision of management is final.
Due to the high number of patients and members with ambulatory challenges, parking or waiting to pick up members is not allowed in the circle drive at the entrance to the facility. Parking is allowed in the designated parking spaces and loading and unloading is allowed along the curbs outside of the circle drive.
Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. No sandal-type shoes are permitted. Your modesty is expected and appreciated, any clothing allowing excessive exposure is prohibited.
Please limit your total exercise time on cardiovascular equipment to 30 minutes if another member is waiting. Allow others to work in with you on strength equipment.
Cell phone usage, including cameras, video and use of speakerphone, is not allowed anywhere in the facility. Phones may be used as a music device with headphones. Please move to an appropriate area if you must answer a phone call.
No food is permitted on the fitness floor. Water and/or sports drinks are permitted provided they are in a sealable, plastic container.
All members and guests are required to wipe equipment after each use with the cleaning wipes provided. Do not use any chemicals on the display screens.
Return all fitness equipment to its proper place of storage.
Members 12 years or younger are not permitted on the fitness floor unless they are participating in a program supervised by a Carle Health & Fitness Center team member.
Any person between the ages of 13-17 must undergo an Assessment to utilize the fitness floor. Any person under the age of 13 is not permitted to be on the fitness floor unless they are participating in a program supervised by a Carle Health & Fitness or Training & Performance Center Team Member.
Members are strongly encouraged to report any unsafe exercise conditions or malfunctioning equipment immediately to the Fitness Services Desk.
All participants are to comply with the Carle Health & Fitness Center team members and the enforcement of policies related to safety, programming, and exercise techniques.
Be courteous to other members and refrain from foul language, controversial subjects, inappropriate or offensive actions and/or conversations.
Carle Health & Fitness and the Training & Performance Center are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property. Members are encouraged to lock all personal belongings in a day-use locker.
Per the Illinois Department of Public Health, all patrons using the swimming pools or whirlpool are strongly recommended to take a soap shower before entering the water.
At times of high utilization, you will be asked to share a lane and circle swim with others of similar skill level and ability.
No children are permitted in the pool except during designated Family Open Swim and without adult supervision. Adults are responsible for the safety of their children when using the pool.
Extended breath-holding activities are not permitted.
Any person having an infectious/communicable disease or open sores/wounds is prohibited from using the pool.
Spitting, blowing nasal secretions, urinating or defecating in the pool is prohibited. Any individual who is not toilet trained or suffers from incontinence must wear a swim diaper.
Per Illinois Department of Public Health recommendations, anyone entering the pools or whirlpool are strongly encouraged to take a soap shower before entering the water. Please remove all Band-Aids, tape and other easily removed items.
Proper swimwear is required, swim suits or t-shirts and swim trunks. Aquatic shoes are strongly recommended and are the only footwear permitted in the pool. Workout clothing is not allowed in the pool.
No inflatables are allowed except for Coast Guard approved lifejackets or Puddle Jumpers. No running on or diving from the pool deck.
No glass bottles or aluminum cans are allowed in the pool area. Bottled water, sports drinks, or juice in an unbreakable self-contained container is permitted. Alcohol is not permitted. Anyone exhibiting signs of intoxication will be asked to leave the facility.
Cell phone usage, including cameras, video and use of speakerphone, is not allowed anywhere in the facility. Phones may be used as a music device with headphones. Please move to an appropriate area if you must answer a phone call.
No food, chewing gum, or tobacco products are permitted in the pool area.
Pushing, wrestling, dunking, splashing, or any other form of horseplay is not permitted.
Do not hang on the lane lines.
Please return all pool equipment to the correct storage area after use.
When lifeguards are not provided, persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other responsible person at least 18 years of age.
Group Fitness classes are included in all memberships unless indicated as a specialty program.
Group Fitness studios have estimated capacities per room as indicated below:
• Group Fitness Room – 45 participants
• Cycling Room – 20 participants
• Mind & Body Room – 20 participants
Studio doors open 15 minutes before the start of first class in the morning and/ or afternoon.
Studio doors close right after a class has begun. No admittance is allowed after the doors have closed and class is in progress.
For your safety late, entries are not allowed, especially when classes require equipment setup.
For safety reasons, personal items and bags are not permitted in the Group Fitness studios.
Clean your equipment before returning it to its proper place of storage.
Cell phone usage, including cameras, video and use of speakerphone, is not allowed anywhere in the facility. Phones may be used as a music device with headphones. Please move to an appropriate area if you must answer a phone call.
No food is allowed in the Group Fitness studios. Water and sports drinks are permitted provided they are in a sealable plastic container.
Members are strongly encouraged to immediately report any unsafe exercise conditions or malfunctioning equipment to the Member Services desk.
Participants must comply with the Group Fitness instructors and enforcement of policies related to safety, programming, and exercise techniques.
Proper athletic attire must be worn all the times. No sandal-type shoes. Please change out of your street shoes and into clean fitness shoes before using our main workout floor and Group Fitness studios.
Your modesty is expected and appreciated, any clothing allowing excessive exposure is prohibited.
Members are encouraged to lock their belongings in a daily-use locker. Carle Health & Fitness Center is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.
Available lockers are for daily use only. Please remove your belongings at the end of your visit. All lockers are opened at facility closing time and belongings will be removed.
Rental lockers are available for a monthly fee. Please see Member Services for more information.
Refrain from storing belongings in a shower stall until you are ready to shower.
Cell phone usage, including cameras, video and use of speakerphones, is not allowed anywhere in the facility. Phones may be used as a music device with headphones. Please move to an appropriate area if you must answer a phone call.
Members and guests, ages 5 and older, are required to use the gender appropriate locker room. Families may choose to use the assisted changing room located near the entrance to the locker rooms.
Children 8-12 years old may use the ABC restroom, the assisted changing locker room or the gender appropriate locker room with parental supervision during special programming times.
All locker room services are eligible only for individuals 13 years or older except for during Family Swim times.
Bath and sweat towels are complimentary during your visit. Please return towels to the appropriate laundry bins prior to leaving the facility.
Per the Illinois Department of Public Health, all patrons using the swimming pools or whirlpool are strongly recommended to take a soap shower before entering the water.
Our goal is to provide premium amenities in a safe and respectful atmosphere for all members. Please adhere to the following guidelines for the best experience for all.
Shower prior to entering the steam or dry sauna areas.
Private areas must be covered while in the steam or dry sauna. Acceptable attire includes a clean bathing suit, clean clothing, or a bath towel. Natural, breathable fibers like cotton, bamboo, or linen are the best options. No street shoes.
Any actions to modify heating systems or equipment could result in immediate membership termination.
Use a towel when sitting or lying down on the bench in the dry sauna. This will protect your body from the heated surface of the bench, and the bench will stay protected from sweat.
Sit back, unwind, and relax. No exercising or stretching.
Carle Health & Fitness recognizes the importance of positive behavior management strategies and ways to promote children’s safety and enjoyment in ABC.
Our staff aims to encourage appropriate behavior through praise for a specific behavior and talking to children with the courtesy and respect that we expect of them. ABC staff members are expected to provide a caring, cooperative and safe environment, respecting children and other staff members. Children are expected to respect and cooperate with the ABC staff and other children.
Behavior Management Strategies
ABC staff will manage behavior according to clear, consistent and positive strategies, structured around the following principles:
• Positive behavior will be reinforced with praise and encouragement.
• Unacceptable behavior will be addressed in a calm but direct manner. Unacceptable behavior refers to nonnegotiable actions and may include physical or emotional harm to others, bullying, actions that endanger the safety of the child or others, or destruction of property.
ABC staff will use the following techniques to resolve conflict and help the child learn from the situation:
• ABC staff will re-direct the child by offering him/her alternative and positive options.
• ABC staff will remove the child from the activity and redirect toward another activity.
• Child will be removed from environment and placed next to a teacher for an allotted amount of quiet time. (The age of the child= the number of minutes next to a teacher.)
• If unwanted behavior continues, parent will be called to pick up child for the day.
Behavior reports will be completed if a child had a particularly difficult day in ABC. This report is designed to enable staff to report behaviors that put the safety of others in the ABC room at risk. This report provides a standardized method for recording the observation of unacceptable behaviors, alerting ABC staff, Management, and the child’s parents.
If there are repeated incidents of disruptive behavior the ABC staff will exhaust all possibilities by working with the parents on the best ways to manage their child. If these strategies still don’t correct the behavior. Continued issues with behavior could result in suspension or up to termination of the ABC membership.