From the Wellness Team: Wellness Wednesday Trainer Tip – How to Track Progress Without the Scale

How to Track Progress Without the Scale

Did you know that there are many ways that progress can be tracked without using the scale? Taking blood pressure, heart rate, waist circumference, hip circumference, hand grip strength, and/or a PAVS score (Physical Activity Vital Sign) are ways that progress can be tracked without referring to the scale. You can also pay attention to how your clothes fit, or use a physical activity tracker (Apple Watch, Garmin, Fitbit, etc.) to track the time that you are being physically active. These measurements can show progress in strength, body composition, cardiovascular health, and/or the time that you are spending being physically active. Taking these measurements allows you to get a better idea of your exercise progress because the number on the scale might not change, but your body composition could be changing. Here at the Fitness Center, we can take measurements in an Initial Fitness Appointment or in a Wellness Checkpoint Appointment.

If you have questions on these measurements or want to have them taken, don’t hesitate to contact a Fitness Coach to help!

— Coach Taylor

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